Jael Joyería is the official distributor for the north of Galicia of Rolex, a brand synonymous with precision and reliability even in the most extreme conditions. With proper care, a watch made by the legendary Swiss brand lasts as long as the first day. However, checking and repairing a Rolex watch is not a task that can be left in the hands of just anyone. Why is it so important to always go to an official Rolex after-sales service?
A historical question
Rolex after-sales service is linked to the very history of the brand. Its founder, Hans Wilsdorf, was committed from the brand’s earliest days to offering a thorough technical service, with a presence in all the countries in which its products were sold. In this way, the founder of the house reasoned, the proper functioning and durability of the pieces, capable of being passed on from generation to generation as a family legacy, was guaranteed.
Mechanisms of great precision and complexity
Along its history, Rolex has opted for innovation and has registered more than half a thousand patents, which makes its watches precise, reliable, resistant… and complex. Its handling and repair require specific preparation, a training that the watchmakers of the authorized after-sales services receive and update periodically.
Specific training for watchmakers
The best watchmakers in the world work in official Rolex workshops. Furthermore, the firm has its own training program with theoretical and practical courses. This allows authorized services to have personnel who understand the complexity of the mechanisms and are capable of reviewing them and, if necessary, fine-tuning them with the greatest guarantee. Only a Rolex authorized watchmaker should perform these tasks.
world wide web
For founder Hans Wilsdorf, it was essential that anyone who purchased a Rolex should have a technician nearby to call upon for regular servicing and necessary repairs. For this reason, Rolex has developed an extensive worldwide network of centers that maintain parts in perfect condition. It is made up of highly specialized professionals who understand the complexities of these mechanisms and know how to respond to the eventualities that the passage of time may generate in their operation.
Rolex Warranty
A Rolex watch is a watch for life, and also a legacy. The official distributors take care of the maintenance of the parts with periodic revisions, the only ones that can respond to the lifetime warranty that characterizes them. Only an overhaul in an authorized center provides an answer to this guarantee, since the manipulation of the mechanisms by watchmakers without proper training can cause long-term damage to their functioning.
Jael Technical Service As a Rolex distributor in the north of Galicia, Jael Jewelry has a technical service capable of solving all the problems that may arise in a watch of this brand. With specialized watchmakers and a careful after-sales service, the stores in Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña are the only authorized centers in the area to carry out this type of overhauls and repairs.